Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Best Mobiles Under Rs. 15,000: Which Phone Under Rs. 15,000 Should You Buy?

Best Mobiles Under Rs. 15,000: Which Phone Under Rs. 15,000 Should You Buy?

Best Mobiles Under Rs. 15,000: Which Phone Under Rs. 15,000 Should You Buy?

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दीवाली लगभग यहां है, और उत्तर भारत के लिए जो अभी भी अविश्वसनीय रूप से गर्म है, उम्मीद है कि शीतकालीन भी घर और परिवार के लिए नई चीजें खरीदना एक दीवाली परंपरा है, और अगर आप एक नया फोन मिलने की सोच रहे हैं, तो वास्तव में कुछ हैं अच्छा विकल्प स्पेक्ट्रम के शीर्ष अंत में, एक ऐप्पल उपयोगकर्ता या सैमसंग उपयोगकर्ता को सिर्फ आईफोन 8/8 प्लस (समीक्षा) या गैलेक्सी नोट 8 (समीक्षा) में अपग्रेड होने की उम्मीद है। Xiaomi Mi Mix 2 OnePlus5 (समीक्षा), ऑनर 8 प्रो (समीक्षा), या ब्लॉक पर नवीनतम बच्चा, नोकिया 8 (समीक्षा) की समीक्षा के साथ आ रहा है। यदि आप कटौती करते हैं

यदि आप मोबाइल को दीवाली खरीदने के लिए रुपये के तहत बजट खरीदना चाहते हैं तो 15,000 हालांकि, वहाँ बहुत प्रतिस्पर्धा और विकल्प की एक अच्छी संख्या है। इसे आसान बनाने के लिए, हमने 15,000 का चयन किया है, जिसमें कुछ फोन शामिल हैं, जो कि कीमतों में कटौती, कुछ पुराने पसंदीदा और कुछ दिलचस्प नए प्रवेशकों को शामिल किया गया था। यह सूची उन फोनों तक सीमित है जिन्हें हमने वास्तव में समीक्षा की है, ताकि प्रत्येक फोन को एक ही कठोर रूब्रिक के माध्यम से रखा गया हो, और कुछ अपवादों के साथ जो थोड़ी सी पुरानी है, यहां उल्लेखित फोन एक वर्ष से कम उम्75L7YFBB&linkId=fe747bd764348d27c6447665732f582b&show_border=false&link_opens_in_new_window=false&price_color=333333&title_color=e8102a&bg_color=ffffff" style="height: 240px; width: 120px;">

1. Xiaomi Mi A1
कट करने के लिए नवीनतम फोनों में से एक, ज़ियामी एमआई ए 1 ने बैटरी जीवन को छोड़कर सभी मोर्चों पर तकनीक की समीक्षा में अच्छा प्रदर्शन किया और यह भी बुरा नहीं था। ब्रांड के बजट प्रस्तावों में कैमरे विभाग में कमी आई है, और एमआई ए 1 ने सुधार किया है कि दोहरे-पीछे वाले कैमरे के साथ, जबकि एंड्रॉइड वन का हिस्सा होने का मतलब है कि यह नियमित अपडेट प्राप्त करने जा रहा है।

2. Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime

एक शानदार स्क्रीन और एक उचित मूल्य पर एक महान डिजाइन के साथ सैमसंग से अच्छा फोन, सैमसंग गैलेक्सी जे 7 प्राइम हमारी समीक्षा में अच्छी तरह से रन बनाए। जो लोग अभी भी एक बड़े ब्रांड के लिए छड़ी करना चाहते हैं, यह एक महान विकल्प रुपये के तहत है। 15,000।

इसमें 5.5 इंच के पूर्ण-एचडी डिस्प्ले और एक 1.6 गीगाहर्ट्ज़ ओक्टा-कोर प्रोसेसर, 3 जीबी रैम और 16 जीबी स्टोरेज, 8 मेगापिक्सेल फ्रंट कैमरा और पीठ पर 13 मेगापिक्सेल कैमरा और एक 3300 एमएएच बैटरी पैक है।

3. Moto G5S

एक और नया फोन, मोटो जी 5 एस उप-रुपये में कंपनी के मजबूत प्रदर्शन को जारी रखता है। 15,000 मूल्य बैंड यह हमारी समीक्षा में अच्छी तरह से रेट किया गया है, हालांकि कैमरा हमारी राय में थोड़ा निराशाजनक है इसके बावजूद, यह अभी भी बेहतरीन फोनों में से एक है, जो कि रुपये के नीचे है। 15,000।
फोन में 5.2 इंच के पूर्ण-एचडी डिस्प्ले, एक 1.4GHz ओक्टा-कोर प्रोसेसर, 4 जीबी रैम, 32 जीबी स्टोरेज, 5 मेगापिक्सेल फ्रंट कैमरा और 16 मेगापिक्सल रियर कैमरा है। इसमें 3000 एमएएच की बैटरी है, और एंड्रॉइड 7.1 चलाता है, विशेषकर सॉफ्टवेयर खंड पर स्कोरिंग

4. Xiaomi Redmi Note 4

एक बड़ी पेशकश, ज़ियामी रेडमी नोट 4 आज भी एक बहुत ही आकर्षक बजट के अनुकूल कीमत पर है, जो इस मूल्य सीमा में अधिक महंगे हैं, जो कि हमारी समीक्षा से पता चलता है।
ऐनक के संदर्भ में, यह एमआई ए 1 के साथ 5.5 इंच के पूर्ण-एचडी डिस्प्ले, एक 2GHz ओक्टा-कोर प्रोसेसर, 4 जीबी रैम और 64 जीबी स्टोरेज के साथ बहुत कुछ साझा करता है। इसमें 5 मेगापिक्सेल फ्रंट कैमरा भी मिला है, लेकिन इसमें 13 मेगापिक्सेल का एक रिअर कैमरा और एक बड़ी 4100 एमएएच बैटरी है।

इस दिवाली अपनी राशि के हिसाब से करें ये काम, बरसेगी लक्ष्मीजी की कृपा

इस दिवाली अपनी राशि के हिसाब से करें ये काम, बरसेगी लक्ष्मीजी की कृपा
मल्टीमीडिया डेस्क। दिवाली पर हर कोई धन-वैभव की देवी लक्ष्मी को प्रसन्न करने के लिए उनकी पूजा-अर्चना करता है। हम यहां बताएंगे कि राशि के हिसाब से कौन-कौन से काम करने से भी लक्ष्मी को प्रसन्न किया जा सकता है।
lakshmi mata 17 10 17i 20171017 173250 17 10 2017
ARIES (21 मार्च – 19 अप्रैल): मेष राशि वाले सफेद कपड़ा लें, उसे पीले रंग से रंगें और दिवाली के दिन अपने लॉकर में रखें। लक्ष्मी की कृपा बनी रहेगी।
TAURUS (20 अप्रैल – 20 मई): वृषभ राशि वाले गाय के घी से दो दीपक जलाएं। उनकी बत्ती मिलाते हुए घर के एकांत वाले स्थान पर रखें और मन्नत मांगे। जरूर पूरी होगी।
GEMINI (21 मई – 20 जून): मिथुन राशि वाले दिवाली के दिन लक्ष्मीजी की पूजा के बाद नरियल लें और मन्नत मांगें। इसके बाद नरियल को लाल कपड़े में बांधकर साफ स्थान पर रखें।
CANCER (21 जून – 22 जुलाई): कर्क राशि वाले पीले रंग का झंडा लें और घर में भगवान विष्णु के मंदिर के ऊपर लगाएं। अगली दिवाली तक झंडे की देखभाल करें।
LEO (23 जुलाई – 22 अगस्त): आपकी राशि सिंह है, तो घी का दीपक जलाएं और घर के मुख्य द्वार पर रखें। इस दीए को अगली सुबह तक जलने दें, घर में धन-वैभव आएगा।
VIRGO (23 अगस्त– 22 सितंबर): कन्या राशि वाले अपने सेविंग्स बढ़ाना चाहते हैं कि श्रीफल को लाल कपड़े में लपेटकर सुरक्षित स्थान पर रखें।
LIBRA (23 सितंबर– 22 अक्टूबर): तुला राशि वाले दिवाली के दिन लक्ष्मीजी को कमल गट्टा चढ़ाएं। इससे आर्थिक स्थित हमेशा मजबूत बनी रहेगी। पूजा के बाद इसे लाल कपड़े में बांधकर अपने लॉकर में रखें।
SCORPIO (23 अक्टूबर – 21 नवंबर): वृश्चिक राशि वाले दिवाली के दिन किसी भी मंदिर में केले का पौधा लगाएं और नियमित रूप से उसका ध्यान रखें। सारी आर्थिक परेशानी दूर हो जाएगी।
SAGITTARIUS (22 नवंबर– 21 दिसंबर): धनु राशि वाले दिवाली के दिन पान के पत्ते पर रंगोली से 'श्री' लिखें और पूजा करें। अगले दिन पान को किसी पशु को खिला दें।
CAPRICORN (22 दिसंबर – 19 जनवरी): मकर राशि वाले दिवाली के दिन श्रीफल को लाल कपड़े में बांध कर सुरक्षित स्थान पर रखें।
AQUARIUS (20 जनवरी – 18 फरवरी): कुंभ राशि वालों को आर्थिक परेशानियों से छूटकारा पाना है तो दिवाली के दिन नारियल की खोल पर घी का दीपक जलाएं।
PISCES (19 फरवरी – 20 मार्च): मीन राशि वाले दीवाली के दिन खुशबू वाली अगरबत्ती लक्ष्मी के मंदिर में चढ़ाएं।

Multimedia desk Everybody on Diwali worshiped Lord Vaibhav to please Lakshmi. We will tell here that according to the amount of work, Lakshmi can be pleased by doing any work.

ARIES (March 21 - April 19): Take the white cloth of Aries, paint it with yellow and keep it in your locker on Diwali day. Lakshmi's mercy will remain.

TAURUS (20 April - 20 May): Burn two lamps with cow's ghee with Taurus zodiac. Keeping their lights on the secluded place of the house, and asking for vows. Of course it will be done.
GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): After the worship of Lakshmiji on the Diwali of Gemini, take a soft and vivacious demand. After this, put the cloth in a red cloth and place it in a clean place.

CANCER (June 21 - July 22): Take a yellow flag with Cancer and place Lord Vishnu in the house above the temple. Take care of the flag until the next Diwali.

LEO (July 23 - August 22): If your zodiac is lion, then burn ghee lamp and keep it at the main door of the house. Allow this lamp to burn until the next morning, there will be wealth in the house.
VIRGO (August 23-September 22): Virgo wants to increase its savings, keep the curry in a red cloth and keep it in a safe place.

LIBRA (September 23-October 22): Offer a lotus gutta to Lakshmiji on the day of Diwali with Libra zodiac sign. From this the financial position will always remain strong. After worship, put it in red cloth and put it in your locker.

SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21): Place a banana plant in any temple on Diwali with a Scorpio amount and keep it in mind regularly. All financial problems will be overcome.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21): On the day of Diwali with sagittarius, write 'Shree' from Rangoli on the leaves of paan and worship. Next day feed the paan to an animal.

CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 19): Capricorn on a Diwali day, keep the curry in red cloth and keep it in a safe place.

AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18): Those who have Aquarius to get rid of financial problems, then burn the ghee lamp on coconut shell on Diwali day.PISCES (February 19 - March 20): Pisces in the temple of Lakshmi, on the day of Diwali, with fragrance, incense sticks.

काली चौदस आज: ये है शुभ मुहूर्त-पूजन विधि, ऊपरी प्रभाव से मिलेगा छुटकारा

काली चौदस आज: ये है शुभ मुहूर्त-पूजन विधि, ऊपरी प्रभाव से मिलेगा छुटकारा
काली चौदस आज: ये है शुभ मुहूर्त-पूजन विधि, ऊपरी प्रभाव से मिलेगा छुटकारा
the celebration of the fourteenth day of the Krishna party of the Kartik month will be celebrated with the celebration of Kali Chaudas and Bhooty Chaturdashi. This is the second day of Diwali's Panch Day festival. The festival of Kali Chaudas in eastern India is celebrated as the manifestation of the black nature of the goddess Parvati, which is the origin of Kali. Kali Pooja is very important on Kartik Krishna Chaturdashi. Black term symbolizes the term. Period means that time or death and due to this reason they are called Kali. The seekers of the system of mechanism consider Mahakali's spiritual practice as the most effective and this sadhana gives immediate effect to every action. Efficient accomplices are achieved by this accomplished teacher. The special occasions and measures of Mahakali at the black fourteen festivals go away from long-running diseases. Get rid of the evil effects of black magic, Shadow of the evil spirits gets rid of Get rid of debt. Business problems are far away. Stress is removed from a couple's life. Not only this, special worship and remedies of Kali Chaudhas get freedom from the defects and wrath of Saturn. 

Mythological references: According to Technology, Mahakali is going to give worship to the ten and the first and all deities in the Mahavidyas and to the eternal Siddhis. In Kalika Purana, Mahamaya is said to be black only. According to legendary belief, Mahadevi Mohini appears in the form of Mahamaya Shakti after praying to Lord Brahma for the destruction of Madhu and Katabh. The eyes of Mahamaya Lord Shri Hari, the face, The nasikas and the sides come out from the front and come to Brahmadev. Mahakali appears for the destruction of the wicked and destroys the demons. The power of Mahakalak Shiva is only Mahakali and the Holocaust is their reputation. Shakti and Shiva are prejudices and there is also the mystery of Ardhanarishwar worship. Only time and black existed before creation. They have been called the first in Agam Shastra. The origin of Mahakali is like half-night and the nightmare. Chaturbhuji Mahkali, who is riding on Shamshavashnini Mahadevi dead body in a completely naked form, has been depicted in the slaughter mud. To destroy the sinners, Khadga in one hand, the other in the top, the third in the Abhay mudra and the fourth hand cut into the head. There is a Mundamla in her neck and tongue is out. In the third, Abhay Mudra and the fourth hand cut into the head. There is a Mundamla in her neck and tongue is out. In the third, Abhay Mudra and the fourth hand cut into the head. There is a Mundamla in her neck and tongue is out. 
Astrological references: Shani's fault brings many problems in the life of a person. These problems are mostly due to the sight of Saturn Mahadasha or Interdeshsha, Saturn of Saturn and Dhayya or Saturn. Yatantra also advises to worship Mahakali under the ten Mahavidyas at night of black fourteen. People suffering from Saturn's suffering should worship Mahakali on the black fourteenth day. This worship can be avoided by the effects of Saturn Doshas, ​​causeless death, magic and evil spirits etc. According to the classical belief, Kali Chaudasus is worshiped in the middle of the night. 

According to the auxiliary system of astrology, the time of the fixed worship of Kali Chaudhas was given on Wednesday 18.10.17 nights from 23:40 to Thursday, 19.10.17 will remain till 00:31. The period of this worship will last 50 minutes. On this day, Durgshul Uttar and Rahul Vasas are in the south-west and hence the best direction of worship will be west. Duly worship Kali dhan in the night. Light the mustard oil, tilak the mascara, make the sunshine from the myrrh, give the leaf of the banyan. Make an enjoyment of Imati and devote seven times Warakar with coconut head. After worship, keep on Imati intersection.

Monday, 16 October 2017

Huawei Mate 10: Leaked images show the bezel-less smartphone in full glory

Huawei Mate 10: Leaked images show the bezel-less smartphone in full glory

If the buzz surrounding Huawei's highly anticipated Mate 10 are true, then the latest leak could provide users with the first look of smartphone's design. Purported images of the Mate 10 have recently surfaced on China's social media platform Weibo that boasts of a bezel-less display, a uni-body metal-clad design, and a dual-camera setup.

Huawei Mate 10, Huawei Mate 10 renders, Mate 10 images, Huawei Mate 10 specifications

If the buzz surrounding Huawei’s highly anticipated Mate 10 are true, then the latest leak could provide users with the first look of smartphone’s design. Purported images of the Mate 10 have recently surfaced on China’s social media platform Weibo that boasts of a bezel-less display, a uni-body metal-clad design, and a dual-camera setup.
Though it’s hard to tell whether this is real or not, we recommended to take it with a pinch of salt until more information on the device will be available. But judging from the leaks and reports, these images tell a lot about the Mate 10, with a bezel-less display and overall design that appears to be so much different from the original Mate 9.
A closer look at the images reveal a smartphone with a massive 6.1-inch display with Quad HD resolution. Flip over the phone, you’ll notice  a dual-camera setup complete with the Leica branding, similar to the P10.  Just below the primary camera, there’s a fingerprint scanner, which means the device doesn’t come with the scanner embedded under the display. The phone has a brushed metal finish, further hinting at the improved design.

Sunday, 15 October 2017

Nokia Ready for edge 2017 - nokia edge 2017 price, specs, features, release date

Nokia Ready for edge 2017 - nokia edge 2017 price, specs, features, release date

Nokia Ready for edge 2017 - nokia edge 2017 price, specs, features, release date

Nokia Edge Price
Buy For
  • Good battery backup
  • Latest Android OS
  • Good configuration
  • Full HD display
  • Good expandable storage
  • 4G enabled
Beware of
  •  Average front camera
With the introduction of Nokia Edge, the Finland based smartphone maker delves deeper after making a return by manufacturing quality smartphones at a budget. This collaboration of the number one cellphone maker in the past and Android, the most popular OS of present day is sure to bring magic alive. So if you want to relive what a Nokia phone meant, choose this smartphone.
The edge over the others
Display and Configuration

The Nokia Edge flaunts a 5.5-inch IPS LCD display that comes with an HD resolution of 1,080 x 1,920 pixels which results from a density of 401 pixels per inch. The capacitive touch screen responds well to multi touch. Under the bonnet, the Nokia smartphone holds a octa-core, which clocks a speed of 2GHz and is further assisted by a good 3GB RAM to assist you through all the multi tasking and gaming that you indulge into.

Camera and Storage

The Nokia Edge is equipped with a 13MP primary camera that can process images of 4,128 x 3,096 pixels resolution with the help of autofocus, LED flash, ISO control and High Dynamic Range mode. The 5MP front camera provides a decent option for good quality selfies and those who love to indulge themselves in video calling.

The smartphone is equipped with an internal storage of 32GB, which can be further expanded upto a massive 128GB with the help of a microSD card.

Battery and Connectivity

The Nokia Edge extracts its energy from a 3,600mAh li-ion battery that promises to deliver a very long period of battery backup on regular usage.

Speaking about the connectivity department, the smartphone offers a wide range of options like a dual SIM slots, 4G, Wi-Fi 802.11, b/g/n, A-GPS, mobile hotspot, Bluetooth v4.0, A-GPS and a microUSB 2.0 slot.

Saturday, 14 October 2017

Adobe after effects

Adobe after effects

Adobe after effects 

Image result for after effects

Beginning in 2013, Adobe switched to a subscription based model that provided customers with access to either one Adobe product of your choice or all of them as well as monthly and annual payment plans. Adobe marketed this as an opportunity to release updates more often than just once every other year. In addition to other updates for After Effects, Adobe formed a major partnership with Maxon to bundle CINEMA 4D Lite and the Cineware plugin inside of the After Effects application. You can create, import, and edit CINEMA 4D files. However, if you have another edition of CINEMA 4D, such as CINEMA 4D Prime, you can use it instead. The CINEMA 4D Lite application gives you the ability to edit, create, and work with native CINEMA 4D files.


After Effects has extensive plug-in support; a broad range of third party plug-ins are available. A variety of plug-in styles exist, such as particle systems for realistic effects for rain, snow, fire, etc.
With or without third-party plug-ins, After Effects can render 3D effects. Some of these 3D plug-ins use basic 2D layers from After Effects.
In addition to 3D effects, there are plug-ins for making video look like film or cartoons; simulating fire, smoke, or water; particle systems; slow motion; creating animated charts, graphs, and other data visualization; calculating the 3D movement of a camera in a 2D video shot; eliminating flicker, noise, or rigging lines; translating timelines from FCP or Avid; adding high-end color correction; and other workflow improvements and visual effects.

Friday, 13 October 2017

Sansung's New Mobile Galaxy copied iPhone X it's Mind Blowing | Just In Tech ᴴᴰ

Sansung's New Mobile Galaxy copied iPhone X it's Mind Blowing | Just In Tech ᴴᴰ

Sansung's New Mobile Galaxy copied iPhone X it's Mind Blowing | Just In Tech ᴴᴰ

Galaxy S9 vs. iPhone X
Every new iPhone comes with at least one signature feature, something no other iPhone has. In many cases, that hardware and/or software feature is not yet available on competing devices. The iPhone X has two such features. While both of them are already available over on Android to some degree, one of them reaches far beyond anything the industry has ever seen before.
But guess what: A new report suggests that Samsung’s upcoming new Galaxy S9 could be the first Android flagship phone to copy the iPhone X’s best feature. Obviously.
Apple’s iPhone X has an-all screen design that’s unlike anything else found on competing devices. The other signature feature is the TrueDepth camera that enables the 3D facial recognition feature called Face ID. That’s also something unlike anything else found on Android flagships.
It’s no secret that Samsung is a fast follower in the mobile business. Sure, the Galaxy S8 came with an all-screen before the iPhone X was even announced. But the all-screen iPhone has been in development for years, and Samsung Display is a key partner. It’s very likely Samsung has known for a long while that an all-screen iPhone was in the works for 2017, since Samsung display is the sole supplier of the iPhone X’s OLED screens. Why do you think that Apple is afraid Samsung will steal its foldable iPhone design?
But that doesn’t mean the Galaxy S9 will necessarily copy the iPhone X’s notch design next year. What Samsung might do, according to a tipster with a solid track record, is copy the actual contents of the notch.
Apple calls the notch a “tiny space” at the top of the iPhone X. In it, there’s basically a miniaturized Kinect that can scan faces in 3D, providing secure logins that can’t be hacked with a picture. That’s not something Samsung can say about its existing facial recognition features inside the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy Note 8.
According to Ice Universe, the Galaxy S9 will have a “3D sensor front camera,” which would basically be Samsung’s version of a TrueDepth camera and sensor array.

Nokia Killer Desing Nokia New Android Phone - IPhone X Killer | Just In Tech

Nokia Killer Desing Nokia New Android Phone - IPhone X Killer | Just In Tech

Nokia Killer Desing Nokia New Android Phone - IPhone X Killer | Just In Tech 

Image result for nokia 9 edge
The Beast the Nokia 9 with a curved screen showed on new renderings
The network has new renderings of the yet unannounced flagship smartphone Nokia 9 with an edge to edge display. Judging by the video, the new upcoming powerful flagship Nokia 9 will outwardly differ from the previously presented Nokia 8. The Nokia 9 will receive a glass back cover and a curved on the sides display with minimal side frames. In terms of design, the smartphone Nokia 9 (2017) resembles last year's Huawei Mate 9 Porsche Design with the same dual-camera behind. And if all previously released Nokia smartphones were made in the same style, then Nokia 9 stands out significantly against their background.
It is reported that the glass cover in Nokia 9 is necessary to support the wireless charging function. Also, this will be the first smartphone line with a fingerprint scanner behind. In terms of technical characteristics, the new Nokia 9 will be a full copy of Nokia 8. It will receive a 5.5-inch QHD display, eight-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 processor with Adreno 540 graphics accelerator. The Nokia 9 the beast equipped 6/8 GB of RAM, 64/128 GB storage, dual 16-megapixel main and 13-megapixel front-facing camera.
16MP Rear Dual Camera, f/2.0, laser & phase detection autofocus, Carl Zeiss optics, OIS, dual-LED (dual tone) flash
Here are the powerful smartphone Nokia 9 for (2017) Specifications, Price, Release Date, Features, and Characteristics Single SIM (Nano-SIM) or Hybrid Dual SIM (Nano-SIM, dual stand-by) IP68 certified - dust/waterproof over 1.5 meters and 30 minutes Super AMOLED Capacitive Touchscreen 5.5 Inches Edge To Edge Display Resolution 1440 x 2560 pixels (~534 ppi pixel density) Multitouch Corning Gorilla Glass 5 Always-on display OS Android 8.0 (Oreo) Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 Adreno 540 MicroSD, up to 256 GB (uses SIM 2 slot) 6GB/64GB or 8GB/128GB 13MP Front Selfie Camera, f/2.0, phase detection autofocus, 1.12 µm pixel size, 2160p
Disclaimer: We're not responsible nor guarantee that the information on this video is 100% accurate. Watch More...
3.5mm Audio Jack 24-bit/192kHz audio USB 3.1, Type-C 1.0 reversible connector Sensors Fingerprint (Rear-Mounted), accelerometer, gyro, proximity, compass Fast battery charging (Quick Charge 3.0) Non-removable Li-Ion 3950 mAh Battery Expected Price $881 Release Date: Q4 2017

Thursday, 12 October 2017

Nokia Ready For Nokia new android phone - Galaxy note 8 Killer | Just in Tech

Nokia Ready For Nokia new android phone - Galaxy note 8 Killer | Just in Tech

Nokia Ready For Nokia new android phone - Galaxy note 8 Killer | Just in Tech

HMD Global has launched four Nokia branded smartphones already this year, the latest of which, the Nokia 8, is the closest to what you would think of as a typical Android flagship. Today, we’ve come across a fresh leak suggesting that HMD Global has another high-end Nokia in the works, the Nokia 9.

The leak arrives via @OnLeaks and Compareraja, and includes a 360-degree render video of the rumored device. Immediately noticeable is the curved front and back, as well as a rear-mounted dual-camera setup, indicating this handset could be the most expensive smartphone from HMD Global yet.
You may also notice the presence of a rear fingerprint scanner, and USB Type-C port, as well as the omission of a headphone jack — something that might come as a devastating blow to many
As for the device specs, Compareraja‘s sources suggest that the device will launch with a 5.5-inch, bezel-less, QHD display, Snapdragon 835 chip, 4 GB of RAM and 64 GB / 128 GB internal storage variations. Meanwhile, @OnLeaks dropped the expected dimensions: 140.9 mm x 72.9 mm x 7.5 mm (8.9 mm with the camera bump). Price and release details, however, remain elusive.
The CAD renders from @OnLeaks are usually accurate so it’s likely that this design is what we’ll see when the final product is launched. As for the leaked Nokia 9 details from back in May, it seems that these were mostly inaccurate.

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Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Reliance Jio Diwali 2017 offer: 100 per cent cashback on Rs 399 with Jio Diwali Dhan Dhana Dhan

Reliance Jio Diwali 2017 offer: 100 per cent cashback on Rs 399 with Jio Diwali Dhan Dhana Dhan

Reliance Jio Diwali 2017 offer: 100 per cent cashback on Rs 399 with Jio Diwali Dhan Dhana Dhan

Reliance Jio has announced a new Jio Diwali Dhan Dhana Dhan offer with 100 per cent cash back for those recharging with Rs 399 during the festive period of October 12 and 18. The Reliance Jio Diwali Dhan Dhana Dhan offer will be applicable to all customers and will work like an advance recharge with the validity of this recharge being applicable after the expiry of the current one.
The cash back will be in be form of eight Rs 50 vouchers and applicable to everyone taking the Rs 399 recharge in the period. The vouchers can be redeemed only after November 15 and that too on plans that are priced Rs 309 and above and on data add-ons of more than Rs 91. However, the redemptions can be done only one at a time. However, they can be transferred to others, ” as a Diwali gift” if needed.
Reliance Jio, Reliance Jio Diwali offer, Jio cashback offer, Reliance Jio Diwali 2017 offer, Jio Rs 399 cashback, Jio recharge cashback, Reliance Jio Rs 399 recharge, Jio cashback terms and conditions
In fact, Jio is planning a revision of rates post this period from October 19 onwards. The offer will be available on MyJio, Jio.com, Jio Stores, Reliance Digital, partner stores and digital partners like JioMoney, PayTM, AmazonPay, PhonePe and Mobikwik.
This is a relatively new format from Jio which has been offering consumers value for money packages. The differentiator here is that the cash back has to be redeemed and is not added to your existing value. Also, users cannot go and redeem the entire Rs 400 in one go. But since this vouchers can be transferred to friends or family, it has good value for those who have multiple Jio connections in the house.

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 price, specifications, features, release date

Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 price, specifications, features, release date

Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 price, specifications, features, release date 

Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Upcoming Mobile 

Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Expected Price Rs. 9999

Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Release Date or Launch Date 31st October 2017

Xiaomi Redmi Note 5  Updated On 10th October 2017

Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 runs Android 7.0 Nougat OS

Xiaomi Redmi Note 16MP rear camera with an LED flash and an 8MP front-facing camera

Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Price In India 

Xiaomi  Redmi Note 5 price in India is expected to be Rs. 9999

Xiaomi  Redmi Note 5 is due to be launched in October, 2017

Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Display & Camera

Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 has 5.5-inch Full HD IPS LCD display

Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 is covered with Gorilla Glass 4 to protect it from accidental drops and scratches

Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 sports a 16-megapixel primary camera with phase detection autofocus and dual-tone dual-LED flash

Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 front-facing camera has also been bumped from 5-megapixels resolution to 8-megapixels

Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 comes standard with 4GB of RAM

Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 comes 32GB of onboard storage

Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 with company’s MIUI 8 Android 7.0 Nougat OS comes pre-installed

Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 packs a 4,000 mAh Li-Po non-removable battery

Xiaomi Redmi Note 5  has quick charging 

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Happy Diwali Images, Pictures – Deepavali 2017

Happy Diwali Images, Pictures – Deepavali 2017

Happy Diwali Images, Pictures – Deepavali 2017

The festival Diwali 2017 comes with a lot of love and Joy. We are very excited to launch our blog Happy Deepawali 2017 for Diwali fans. Here you will get everything you need about Deepavali 2017 like: Diwali 2017 wallpapers, Diwali gifts ideas, Diwali Messages and SMSDiwali Greetings etc. So, For more articles regarding Diwali 2017 you must visit our home page.

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